R8 rihanna full album
R8 rihanna full album

r8 rihanna full album

Enjoy the music as u diligently add them to your playlist on the DL. We know that u really want to thank Rihanna for giving your eardrums LIFE but can’t… Loooool. Someone please educate a certain fan base on how “TIMELESS” The HIve cannot attempt to speak on quality of music when 7/11 exists lol. Rihanna doesn’t have to focus on quantity of her singles on ANTI when she already has the quality on LOCK!ĥ.

r8 rihanna full album

Let me enlighten you… The ratio in quality of music between the global ICON and BYE is 3-1.Ĥ. Is because she luuuuv her fans? Soooooo./WHY are you here? Didn’t y’all swear up and down that the real reason why BYE compressed 20 FLOP €UM guzzling “ground breaking” anthems on 1 album No FLOP blonde ATTEMPT at a short hairdo, without Rihanna’s internationally recognized, and widely celebrated short hairdo.ģ. Older tired bishes be struggle lapping behind this young ICONiC superstar in record sales, breaking records and a slew of iconic hits!Ģ. What a tease.Look at all these haters… HIVE standing up on que…. He will only say it's "a brilliant album". In case you're wondering, Nachum's heard the album, but he's sworn to secrecy. "When we did those three fire paintings for the inside of the album, she would put the music on and I'd blindfold Rihanna and she'd start touching pieces and trying to feel it and experience the painting without sight." Nachum also blindfolded himself for a week in the name of art and inspiration.Ĩ. It all got a bit Fifty Shades at one point. Mitchell also gets a shout out on Kanye West's track 'Blame Game'.ħ. Like all the best pieces of art, the poem was born after a night's drinking between the three collaborators. So being misunderstood, I am not offended by the gesture, but honored. I live it and love it and despise it and I am entrapped in it. That thumps and bumps against the walls of my cranium. The world is pin drop sound compared to the boom I live loudly in my mind, so many hours of the day. I will comfortably breath in it, until I find the moment to be silent. It is the opposite of what others are afraid of.

r8 rihanna full album

That people just won't understand the depth of my message. What I choose to say is of so much substance "I sometimes fear that I am misunderstood. That braille on the cover is actually a poem by young US poet (and Kanye West favourite) Chloe Mitchell. The inside of the record will feature three paintings and, you guessed it, they're all in braille too.Ħ. There's no text at all on the album, or in the album either for that matter - it's all braille. You'll have to feel your way through the album. The balloon is lighter than air and is a metaphor for escaping reality."ĥ. The crown is a metaphor to appreciate small things in life. When you get to the point where you're achieving your dreams, you don't see the success anymore and you don't know when to stop. "There's so many things in life that you want to achieve. The crown is about more than being pop royalty. This is about that." Or as Rihanna puts it: "People who have sight are sometimes the people who are blindest."Ĥ. "It's a metaphor to open people's eyes so they can appreciate the small things and question the vision and if what they see is what they think they see. Being humble and on the other side trying to leave a mark and do things that are extreme and different." We had an amazing connection and we share the same philosophy - to look into small things in life and appreciate what you have.

r8 rihanna full album

I was very interested to meet her and to see who she is as a person. Rihanna and Nachum hit it off right away. Other big name fans who own his paintings include Leonardo DiCaprio, Justin Timberlake and Alicia Keys.Ģ. She knew immediately that I was going to do the album cover for her." "He collects my work so there's a few paintings of mine over there. "Rihanna approached me after seeing Jay Z's private collection," Israeli-born artist Nachum explained. The singer has also revealed the artwork, which her team modestly claim (fanfare) "changes the history of album art".Īrtist Roy Nachum explained to Digital Spy the secrets behind the intriguing braille-peppered photograph, which features a young Rihanna holding a balloon with a crown over her eyes.ġ. And already we know it's no longer called R8 but is now Anti. Rihanna's finally teased her agonisingly-anticipated album R8.

R8 rihanna full album